In a world where memories are not just personal recollections but valuable currency, our story unfolds. Our protagonist, a nameless scavenger, exists on the fringes of a technologically advanced society, one that has embraced a chilling efficiency but lacks any form of compassion. Their world is steeped in poverty and despair, a stark contrast to the gleaming towers and advanced technology surrounding it.
The Scavengers Existence
₹ 518.79Discovery of the Memory Market
₹ 432.32First Transactions and Deception
₹ 432.32Encountering a Key Figure
₹ 86.46The Weight of Partial Truths
₹ 432.32Navigating the Markets Intricacies
₹ 432.32Unveiling Hidden Agendas
₹ 432.32Betrayal and Alliances
₹ 432.32Pursuit and Evasion
₹ 432.32Gathering Crucial Clues
₹ 432.32The Burden of the Past
₹ 432.32Conflicting Narratives
₹ 432.32Facing Difficult Truths
₹ 605.25A Confrontation of the Past
₹ 605.25
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